Tom Cermak

Tom Cermak is a 20 year old who grew up in Palatine, Illinois and is studying criminal justice here at UWO. He is currently in his sophomore year. He spent his whole life playing baseball and went to UWO to be on the baseball team. Tom was a freshman when COVID hit and his freshman year ended abruptly when everyone had to get sent home. Tom actually thrived in the online school environment but struggled with the isolation of quarantine. His grandmother died suddenly soon after receiving the COVID vaccine and that affected Tom a lot. After years of practice and training Tom made the hard decision to quit the baseball team and focus on his studies. The decision was incredibly hard for himself and his family who were his biggest fans. Tom is excited for things to get back to normal and to experience a normal college experience.

Subject Headings:['Baseball', 'Gruenhagen Conference Center', 'Online Learning', 'Student']

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