Taycee Zach

Taycee Zach, born in Riverside California and raised in Montello Wisconsin, is majoring in multimedia journalism and minoring radio-TV film. Zach first started to attend the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh in 2020 due to having family in Oshkosh and the easy drive back to her hometown. Taycee Zach talks about her experiences during the coronavirus pandemic from when it first started in March of 2020 until the day of the interview (November 2021.) As an essential worker during the beginning of the pandemic she goes into detail about her job at Walmart and working with the public. She first explains how the pandemic affected the end of her senior year of high school and her graduation experience and then goes on to expound upon her first semester of college in the fall of 2020. Taycee Zach continues to attend the University of Oshkosh and enjoys all of the opportunities that UWO offers.

Subject Headings:['Student']

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